Saturday 13 April 2013

Saint Mochaemhog of Inis Caoin, April 13

A saint from the lakeland county of Fermanagh, Mochaemhog, is commemorated on April 13. He was an abbot of the island monastery of Inis Caoin, anglicized as Iniskeen, but we do not have many other details of his life, as Canon O'Hanlon explains:



THIS holy man is recorded in the Martyrology of Tallagh, at the Ides or 13th of April, as Mocammoc Innsi Cain. There is an allusion to him, by Colgan, under the Acts of St. Mochoemog or Pulcharius [feastday March 13]. We are told there, that this holy man was the son of Endeus, son of Cormac, and belonging to the Colla Dachrich race. He flourished on Iniscaoin Island, about the middle of the seventh century. He was Abbot over Inishkeen, on Lough Erne, in the county of Fermanagh...A commemoration has been made of St. Mochaemog, by Marianus O'Gorman, at the present day. Likewise, at the same date, as we read in the Martyrology of Donegal Mochaemhog, of Inis Caoin, had veneration paid him. A similar notice is to be found, at the 13th of April, or at the Ides of this month, in that Irish Calendar, preserved in the Library of the Royal Irish Academy. However, these brief notices give us no particulars, that could afford us any light, regarding his personal history.

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Look in the Mirror said...

Hello, fellow blogger:

I do a lot of research on saints. I notice that all the Irish saints lived between the 5th and 9th centuries, but that, until the martyrdoms of the Protestant Revolt, Cromwell, etc., there aren't many in the intervening centuries, and there aren't many in modern times (other than Ven. Matt Talbot, Bl. Edmund Rice, St. Charles Houban, etc.). Why do you think that is?
In Christ,~ Brian

Marcella said...

The hundreds of saints who fill the early medieval Irish calendars all pre-date the official canonization process. In many cases their names and feast days are all we know of them. They were saints by popular acclamation and the majority would never have made it through a more rigorous evidence-based process. The cause of the Irish martyrs was only able to get going following Catholic Emancipation in 1829, many of our martyrs were put to death under the provision of martial law, so official evidence is harder to produce than for British martyrs who generally had some sort of documented due process. There are a number of worthy claimants whose causes appear to have stalled and it seems that the wheels of the canonization process grind exceedingly and frustratingly slow.